Contacts and legal provisions


Universität Leipzig
Ritterstraße 26
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-108 or 97-109
Fax: +49 341 97-30099


PO box address
PO box 100920
04009 Leipzig

Electronically signed or encrypted electronic documents cannot be accepted.

Leipzig University is a public body. It is legally represented by Rector Professor Beate A. Schücking.

Competent supervisory authority
Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts, Wigardstraße 17, 01097 Dresden,

VAT ID number pursuant to Section 27a of the German Turnover Tax Act (UStG):
DE 141510383

Responsible for content pursuant to Section 55(2) of the German Interstate Agreement on Broadcasting (RStV)
Dr Madlen Mammen, Department of University Communications

University Computing Centre webmaster
Heiko Schwarzenberg
Concept and design

Programming and development
DMK E-Business

We assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

The content of Leipzig University’s central web pages is maintained by the relevant administrative departments. The pages of the faculties and institutions are maintained by the respective structural units. The use of design elements from Leipzig University’s central web pages is only permitted with the express permission of the Office for University Communications.

Transparency obligation

According to the Act on the Transparency of Information in the Free State of Saxony (SächsTranspG), Leipzig University is an institution subject to the obligation of transparency where information about the names of external funders, the amount of external funding and the duration of completed research projects financed with external funding is concerned, and where no exemption from the obligation of transparency according to Sect. 5 SächsTranspG applies.