The Propädeutikum (propaedeutic course) consists of one semester of specific and focused preparation. It is offered to international students in the summer semester. In addition to technical language skills, you will be given important methodological advice and learn vital techniques and strategies. We have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions below, where you will also find information about how to apply as well as a course overview.

Questions and Answers about the Propädeutikum

Many study programs do not start until the winter semester. This means that if you pass the FSP or DSH in February or March, you may not be able to start your studies immediately. For this reason, there is a Propädeutikum in the summer semester. It prepares you specifically for your future studies in terms of subject matter and methodology. During the Propädeutikum you keep your status as a student of Leipzig University. Thus, it also guarantees your residency in Germany until you can start your further studies.

The Propädeutikum is intended for

  • Graduates of Studienkolleg Sachsen with a provisory pre-admission to Leipzig University:
    The Propädeutikum is obligatory for all Studienkolleg Sachsen graduates with provisory pre-admission to Leipzig University, as all undergraduate degree programmes start in the winter semester.
  • Graduates of Studienkolleg Sachsen with a provisory pre-admission to the Technische Universität Dresden:
    Prospective students of the TU Dresden can choose between the Propädeutikum at Leipzig University and a preparatory semester at the TU Dresden.
  • Graduates of Studienkolleg Sachsen with a provisory pre-admission for the Chemnitz University of Technology or the TU Bergakademie Freiberg:
    Depending on your chosen study programme, you can start your studies at the Chemnitz University of Technology/ TU Bergakademie Freiberg either in the summer semester or in the winter semester. Please clarify this with the Chemnitz University of Technology/ TU Bergakademie Freiberg in advance. If your studies do not begin in the summer semester, we recommend that you attend the Propädeutikum at Studienkolleg Sachsen.

Summer Semester 2025

The Propädeutikum in the summer semester 2025 will take place from 07/04/25 to 11/07/25.

You will find all information about the courses offered in the Propädeutikum in the course overview which will be provided shortly (in German only).


You can sign up for the courses or modules of the Propädeutikum via TOOL in a specific time slot.
For the summer semester 2025, registration will take place from

Thursday, 27/03/2025, 1:00 pm to Thursday 03/04/2025, noon.

Important note: If you do not attend the selected courses by the second week of classes, you will lose your spot. The spot will then be given to other students if necessary.

When participating in the modules “German Language for Specific Purposes: Linguistics” (30-DIS-SPRAWI), “German Language for Specific Purposes: Social Sciences and Humanities” (30-DIS-SOZGE) and “German Language for Specific Purposes: Economics” (30-DIS-WIWI), students are enrolled in the regulations of the modules Deutsch im Studium at Studienkolleg Sachsen (in German only). The rights and obligations of the study organisation as set out in these module regulations apply to these modules.

Re-enrolment and semester fee

In order to attend the Propädeutikum, you must be enrolled at Leipzig University. If you have previously studied at Studienkolleg Sachsen, you must re-enroll for the summer semester. You do this by paying the semester fee. The deadline for this is 31st of January every year.

Venue and time frame

For the Propädeutikum, the Studienkolleg Sachsen offers both online and face-to-face classes. Face-to-face classes will be held in Lumumbastraße 4 at the Studienkolleg Sachsen.

Important note: If you do not attend your courses by the second week, you will lose your spot on the course, and your seat will be offered to other students if necessary.

If you are unable to attend a module exam due to illness, please submit your sick note (doctor's note with diagnosis blacked out) to the Study Office Propädeutikum or to your lecturer in charge via email within 3 working days.

Please be sure to include the following details, otherwise the sick note may not be correctly assigned:

  • Full name
  • Enrolment number
  • Course
  • Date of exam

If you have handed in a sick note, the make-up date for the module exam will be arranged with the lecturer in charge.

For sick leave for exam in the modules German Language for Specific Purposes: Linguistics” (30-DIS-SPRAWI), “German Language for Specific Purposes: Social Sciences and Humanities” (30-DIS-SOZGE) and “German Language for Specific Purposes: Economics” (30-DIS-WIWI), the procedure of the regulations of the modules Deutsch im Studium at Studienkolleg Sachsen (in German only) applies. Please see about the procedure here.

In each course you can acquire proof of performances which contain ECTS credid points. The proof of performanaces for the courses in the summer semester 2025 will be sent to your student e-mail address (studserv) from 14/07/ to 18/07/2025.

When participating in the modules “German Language for Specific Purposes: Linguistics” (30-DIS-SPRAWI), “German Language for Specific Purposes: Social Sciences and Humanities” (30-DIS-SOZGE) and “German Language for Specific Purposes: Economics” (30-DIS-WIWI), you can find an your exam results on AlmaWeb in the menu:
Studies → Exams → Overview of Grades
The module results of the modules Deutsch im Studium are listed on the overview of grades in the section "Zusätzliche Leistungen".

Who to contact

Kristin Knabe

Coordinator Propädeutikum

Studienkolleg Sachsen
Lumumbastraße 4, Room 3.37
04105 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30256

Office hours
Winter semester 2024/25:
Tuesday: 10:30 am - 11:30am
(only during the lecture period 14/10/24 - 07/02/25)

Matthias Kretzschmar

Study Office Propädeutikum

Studienkolleg Sachsen
Lumumbastraße 4, Room Zi. 2.36
04105 Leipzig

Office hours
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am – noon