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Application for universities in Saxony

You cannot apply directly for the preparatory college in Saxony via Uni-Assist.

The application for a university in Saxony always has to be made through Uni-Assist. All questions concerning the application and the study program must be addressed directly to the university you are applying for: 

Please do not send any questions regarding your application to the Studienkolleg Sachsen.

Explanatory Videos

Get all the information you need about prerequisites, application and studying at Studienkolleg Sachsen here. Through explanatory videos you can obtain information about the Studienkolleg Sachsen. (Publication expected May 2024)

Before Studying

We have collected all the important information on the topic of "Before studying" and explain the requirements for the courses that prepare you for your studies. In addition, you will find information on the courses offered by the Studienkolleg Sachsen.

Please note that you should not contact the Studienkolleg Sachsen if you have any questions regarding your application.

The Studienkolleg Sachsen cooperates with all universities in Saxony. Please note that applications are always made exclusively through the universities. This means that you cannot apply directly for the Studienkolleg Sachsen.

Your application for a Schwerpunktkurs (focus course) must always be made via Uni-Assist e.V. for a university in Saxony. All applicants for the Studienkolleg Sachsen must have a conditional pre-admission to a specialized course of study. This pre-admission is valid for a specialized course of study at a university in Saxony. Please address all questions directly to the university to which you wish to apply.

You must meet the following application deadlines for your application to universities in Saxony:

Please note that you should not contact the Studienkolleg Sachsen if you have any questions regarding your application.

The Studienkolleg Sachsen cooperates with all universities in Saxony. Please note that applications are always made exclusively through the universities. This means that you cannot apply directly for the Studienkolleg Sachsen.

In order to get a place in the DSH course, you have to apply via Uni-Assist e.V. for the desired subject at a university in Saxony. All applicants for the DSH course Sachsen must have a conditional pre-admission to a specialized course of study. Please address all questions directly to the university to which you wish to apply.

Für Ihre Bewerbung an den Universitäten im Freistaat Sachsen müssen Sie folgende Bewerbunsgfristen einhalten:

The preparatory courses offered at the Studienkolleg Sachsen are aimed at international applicants who would like to study at a university in Saxony but do not yet meet all the necessary formal admission requirements for the course, or German applicants with a foreign school leaving certificate.

The Studienkolleg Sachsen offers preparatory courses with the Feststellungsprüfung as well as DSH courses and the DSH exam.

If you want to study in Germany, you need an university admisson = Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB) for a German university. 

In the Anabin database, you can check whether your foreign school-leaving certificate is recognized in Germany. Alternatively, you can check your university admission via the DAAD admissions database admissions database. Watch the explanatory video Hochschulzugangsberechtigung and Anabin (link expected mid-January).

Possession of an indirect university admission 

You must pass what is called a Feststellungsprüfung (FSP) before you can begin your specialized studies. You can take this exam either following a preparatory course (focus course) of a Studienkolleg or as an external exam participation.

Possession of a direct university admission 

Your school-leaving certificate fulfills the admission requirements for a course of study at a German university or university of applied sciences. You can apply directly for an undergraduate degree program (Bachelor, Diploma, State Exam) and do not have to take a Studienkolleg with the Feststellungsprüfung. If necessary, you would have to take a DSH examination (German Language Test for University Admission). The DSH examination is possible at the Studienkolleg. If you wish to take a DSH course beforehand, you can apply for it.

Both the indirect and the direct HZB can be subject-linked. A subject-linked HZB is only valid for certain subjects

When applying for a preparatory course, various language skills are required.

Schwerpunktkurse (focus courses) with FSP exam

Für die erfolgreiche Bewerbung um einen Platz im Schwerpunktkurs benötigen Sie einen Deutschnachweis auf dem Niveau B1 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER). Möglich ist auch, einen Nachweis über 500 Stunden Deutschunterricht einzureichen, wenn dieser auf einer einzelnen Seite aufgeführt wird. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Seite der Stabsstelle Internationales zur Studienvorbereitung.

To successfully apply for a place in the Schwerpunktkurs, you need proof of German at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It is also possible to submit proof of 500 hours of German lessons if this is listed on a single page. For more information, please visit the page of the International Office of the University of Leipzig on study preparation.

German language course and DSH exam

For German-language undergraduate studies, you need German language skills at least at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

To start your application for undergraduate studies, it is initially sufficient to present a certificate of German language proficiency at level B2. By the time of enrollment, you must provide proof of a recognized German certificate at the C1 level. 

At the Studienkolleg Sachsen, you can always take the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) (German Language Test for University Admission) before the start of a semester. Level 2 (DSH-2) enables you to start your studies.

If you do not yet have the language skills B2, you can take a DSH course at the Studienkolleg Sachsen with the following DSH exam.

The admission test for the summer semester 2023 will take place on Thursday, September 07, 2023.

Before you can study at the Studienkolleg Sachsen, you must take an admission test in German. All applicants who wish to take the T, W or M course must also take the admission test in mathematics in addition to the admission test in German. (links only in German)

An exception from the admission test is not possible. All applicants must take the admission test for the desired Schwerpunktkurs (focus course).

The admission test usually takes place at the end of February (for the summer semester) and at the beginning of September (for the winter semester). Participation in the admission test is free of charge.

You will receive an invitation to the admission test with the exact date together with the conditional admission / place reservation of the university for which you have applied. The Studienkolleg Sachsen does not issue invitations to the admission test.

You have received an invitation for the admission test for the previous semester, but were not able to attend the admission test (for example, due to a missing visa)? You have already taken the admission test once, but failed it or did not get a place despite passing it?

In these cases you can take the admission test again in the following semester. To do so, please informally apply for an update of your admission by e-mail to the university in Saxony from which you received the invitation to the admission test. The contact details can be found in the admission letter. Please make sure that you request the update of your admission within the application deadlines.

The costs for the courses at the Studienkolleg are regulated in the Hochschulgebühren- und Entgeltordnung der Universität Leipzig (University Fees and Charges Regulations of the University of Leipzig) on page 19, section 28/19.

The education in the focus courses is free of charge. As a student of the Leipzig University, however, you have to pay the Semester fee

Participation in the DSH course is charged at a fee of:

  • 2200 Euro plus 150 Euro examination fee, if the DSH course takes place at the Studienkolleg Sachsen due to the minimum number of participants reached.
  • 2900 Euro plus 150 Euro examination fee, if the DSH course is not held at the Studienkolleg Sachsen but at the partner institute interDaF e.V.  due to the minimum number of participants not being reached.

Participation in the external exam is charged at a fee of:

  • Feststellungsprüfung: 400,00 Euro
  • FSP supplementary exam: 75,00 Euro (per subject)
  • DSH exam: 150,00 Euro

A student visa is required for all applicants from non-EU countries (there are a few exceptions such as Switzerland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA). A student visa is different from a tourist visa and must be applied for separately. Responsible are the German diplomatic or consular offices (embassy/consulate) abroad.

The following types of visas are available for international students and study applicants:

  • a language course visa (be careful, this is not a visa for study purposes and cannot be converted later)
  • a student applicant visa which is valid for three months (this visa is issued to those who have not yet been admitted to the university; if admission has been granted, this visa must be converted into a visa for study purposes at the foreigners' registration office at the university location)
  • a visa for study purposes, which is valid for one year (this visa is only issued to those who can prove that they have been admitted to a course of study or to a preparatory course of study and that they have sufficient financial security)

For the visa, proof of financing is usually required. In most cases, it is required that the so-called "standard need" of about 11,208 euros in each academic year (fixed for 2023) is covered.

For further and binding information on the visa, contact the German embassy or consulate in your home country.

During your Studies

Enrolled students can find information on the topic "During your studies" here. After completing the preparatory courses, you can take the propaedeutic course or complete the language modules of the German in Studies course during your studies.

The Porpädeutikum at Studienkolleg Sachsen is only offered in the summer semester from April 1st to September 30th.

One semester of specific preparation for future studies - that is the Propädeutikum. It is offered in the summer semester for international students, as many subjects do not start until the winter semester. This means that if you pass the FSP or DSH in February or March, you may not be able to start your studies immediately. For this reason, there is the Propädeutikum every summer semester.

In addition to specialized language, you will learn important methodological tips, techniques and strategies for your future studies. The Propädeutikum therefore prepares you professionally and methodically for your future studies. During the Propädeutikum you keep your status as a student of the Leipzig University. This also secures your residence title in Germany until you complete your specialized studies.

You can find everything else about the Propädeutikum here.

The registration in the modules of Deutsch im Studium in the winter semester 2024/25 will take place from

Wednesday, 02/10/2024, 1:00 pm to Thursday, 10/10/2024, 11:00 pm

via the online registration in TOOL:


At Studienkolleg Sachsen, international students from all faculties at Leipzig University can take part in our course programme "Deutsch im Studium" (German Language Courses) in which you can improve your German language skills. Find out here which modules we offer, how you can enroll and what the costs are.

For Erasmus and exchange students, we also offer every semester a course programme called Language and Orientation Course.

If you want to learn another foreign language in addition to the German language learning opportunities, for example English from level B2 or Latin, the Language Center offers a range of university-specific scientific and general language courses in modern foreign languages as well as in the ancient languages Latin and Ancient Greek for students of all subjects.

Regardless of the field of study, the Language Center offers the possibility to take modules on autonomous foreign language learning as well as a module on language learning in tandem. The tandem modules are offered free of charge. They are not language classes - you improve the language independently under the guidance of the Language Center. If you successfully complete the module, you will receive credit points for it, which can be credited depending on your course of study.

For more information, please contact the Sprachenzentrum.

The Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig(University Library Leipzig) is a central institution of the Leipzig University. It is one of the oldest libraries in Germany. Its main building is the Bibliotheca Albertina. In addition to this main building, there are a number of other libraries, including the Campus Library, the Law Library or the Medicine/Natural Sciences Library.

As a Student of the Leipzig University you can use media in the libraries (read in presence or online) and do research, borrow books, make copies or scans or attend workshops. Please contact the University Library directly for information on how to Register for use.

The Universitätsrechenzentrum (abbreviation URZ) is the technical support for all services in the area of service and operation of information technologies at the University of Leipzig.

For students the points like

  • Uni login
  • Uni-WiFi (eduroam)
  • Moodle
  • student e-mail
  • IT courses
  • Cloud storage

important. Please always contact the URZ for this.

Furthermore, as a student of the University of Leipzig, you can use Microsoft products 365 free of charge. More information about this here.

The URZ also provides computer workstations in central PC pools. These are spread across the university at several locations and are equipped with different technical equipment.

Erfolg im Studium hängt von sehr vielen Faktoren ab und kann leider nicht immer beeinflusst werden. Um Sie bestmöglich zu informieren, hat die Universität Leipzig ein Heft "Erfolgreich studieren" für alle Phasen des Studiums mit Tipps und Hinweise erstellt:

Heft "Erfolgreich studieren"

Success in your studies depends on very many factors and unfortunately cannot always be influenced. In order to provide you with the best possible information, the Leipzig University has produced a booklet "Erfolgreich studieren" (Studying succesfully - only in German) for all phases of your studies with tips and advice:

Booklet "Erfolgreich studieren"
 (only in German)

It can often happen in the course of a study, then one doubts it. It is quite normal to ask yourself questions at the beginning or in the course of your studies such as:

  • Does my course of study still suit me?
  • Have I made the right choice?
  • Why are my studies not progressing?
  • How can I get out of my low motivation?
  • In which professional direction do I want to go later?

The International office of the university of leipzig supports you with these and other questions. Among other things, workshops are offered on the topic of "Doubts in studies and thoughts of dropping out" and a personal counseling interview is also possible. Do not hesitate and arrange a personal meeting meeting with the staff of the International Office.

All About Studying

Here you will find a selection of the most important information on "All about studies" as well as an overview of the extracurricular activities you can take part in during your studies.

Studentenwerk Leipzig

Students in Leipzig have the possibility to live in the student residences offered by the Studentenwerk Leipzig. In student residences, it is possible to live in shared apartments. For more information, please contact the department StudenT Living of the Studentenwerk Leipzig.
Usually students can move in the residence at the beginning of the semester (October or April). For the time between the admission test and the start of the Studienkolleg, or until you receive a room in a student dormitory, you must find a place to stay on your own. Otherwise, the Studienkolleg Sachsen cannot support in finding an apartment in Leipzig.

More accommodation options

In addition to the Studentenwerk, there are some of private student residences in Leipzig (e.g. BASE CAMP, STAYTOO, THE HOOD , CASA CONCEPT, among others). Many apartments are also offered on online platforms such as WWW.WG-GESUCHT.DE or WWW.STUDENTEN-WG.DE. Please inform yourself independently about these offers. The Studienkolleg Sachsen cannot help you with it.
Attention: If you do not get a room in a dormitory or in a shared apartment, please keep in mind that the rental costs can be significantly higher due to the current housing situation in Leipzig. Usually, rental contracts have to be signed for one year and landlords often require 2-3 months’ rent in advance as a deposit.

How much does studying in Leipzig cost?

Of course, you can't say that across the board. We have prepared an overview of the costs of studying and living in Leipzig here:

Semester fee

The semester fee semester fee must be paid by the deadline before the start of each semester. It applies to all students at the University of Leipzig. You can find more information here.

Tuition fees

Currently, no tuition fees are charged for first-time studies at our university. However, please note that in special cases, second degree fees or long-term tuition fees may be charged. Fees are also charged for some special courses of study and the DSH course.

Monthly costs

To finance your life, you will need about 950 euros per month in Leipzig. This amount is of course a guideline, the actual expenses depend on your individual consumption behaviour.

The monthly costs in Leipzig are made up by following expenses:

Rent for apartement/room* approx. 250 – 425 Euro
Statutory health insurance    
Voluntary statutory health insurance

approx. 110 Euro

approx. 180 Euro

Study material approx.   70 Euro
Food, clothing, other personal needs approx. 300 Euro

Attention: If you do not get a room in a student residence or in a shared apartment, please keep in mind that the rental costs can be significantly higher due to the current housing situation in Leipzig. Usually, rental contracts have to be signed for one year and often landlords require 2-3 months´ rent in advance as a deposit.

If you need a visa, you must already provide proof of secured financing for living expenses when applying for a visa in your home country (in 2023: 11.282 Euro).

Other costs

In addition to the monthly costs, you should expect further costs for your start at university, such as the deposit for accommodation (see note on monthly costs) and the fee for setting up a blocked account. You will also have to pay a fee to authorities, e.g. the Foreigners' Registration Office.

If you are looking for a student job, the Jobvermittlung of the Studentenwerk Leipzig can help you.

Basically, you can pursue 140 full days or 280 half days of employment per year as well as student part-time jobs. For the period of study preparation at a preparatory college, the possibility of working is usually limited to the semester breaks. If you have any questions about this, please contact the foreigner’s authority (Ausländerbehörde) responsible for your place of study.

For all questions regarding the application for a study place, please contact the university you would like to apply for (e.g. International Office of the University of Leipzig oder ​​International Office der TU Dresden).

If you have questions about financing your studies, living in a student residence or the options for childcare, the Social Conseling Service of the Studentenwerk Leipzig can help.

If you want to know more about the possibilities of psychosocial support, please contact the Psychosocial Conseling of the Studentenwerk Leipzig.

Quick and anonymous help is available at the student support nightline with late office hours: Monday to Friday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. +49 341 973 7777.

In the speech workshop, the students first look at a pronunciation phenomenon of the German language and practise it together (approx. 30 min.). Afterwards, they practise speaking freely or give presentations. Regular attendance is recommended because some of the content builds on each other, but it is not absolutely necessary because at the beginning there is always a repetition of the content of the previous weeks and in each week a new pronunciation aspect is the focus.

in the winter semester 2023/24: Monday, 15:15-16:45, room 25, open to students in all focus courses.


In the writing workshop, students receive tips for the successful structure of a text production and can either revise already created and corrected texts (and thus learn from old mistakes) or write new ones - alone or together. They can ask questions or ask for help at any time. In the writing workshop, students thus have the opportunity to prepare specifically for the text productions in the German examinations and FSPs. Regular participation is not necessary, but is recommended for greater learning effects.

in the winter semester 2023/24: Tuesday, 15:15 - 16:45, room 25, open to students in all focus courses.

At the Studienkolleg Sachsen, people from the most diverse backgrounds come together. Conflicts can sometimes emerge in the process. The Contact Point for Equality and Conflict Counselling mediates in conflicts. In a confidential conversation, you have the opportunity to discuss discrimination or other conflicts and to receive advice on how to proceed. You will also receive information on compensation for disadvantages. These are measures designed to give students with a disability or chronic illness equal opportunities in exams. You will be advised in which cases you can apply for disadvantage compensation and how to make the application. The contact point is open to all people at the Studienkolleg Sachsen, you can reach us by e-mail.

Generally, the Studienkolleg Sachsen itself does not award any scholarships, travel grants, etc. Usually, scholarships are not available for preparatory studies before the start of a study program.

For information on scholarships for any study program, you can contact your future university or the Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) directly. In the DAAD scholarship database you can search for suitable scholarships for specific courses of study.

Other scholarships are also awarded by the following organizations:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Diakonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche





Katholischer Akademischer Austauschdienst



Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland (bvmd)

If you need more information, you can find an overview of important information for international students (compiled by Deutsches Studentenwerk) here.

Funding notice:

This range of information was created in 2022 as part of the project „DigiProp – Digitale Lehrangebote im Propädeutikum zur sprachlichen und fachlichen Vorbereitung“ (only in German). The project was supervised by the DAAD as the implementing funding organization and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).